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Education session on health and nutrition

Tuesday 10th march 2020 7.00pm - 9.00pm

Venue to be confirmed

We have two amazing speakers:

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Monique Pace

Overcoming adversity

Monique Pace will share her story of overcoming anorexia and bulimia. Unfortunately, Monique’s story is not unlike others, and she hopes that by sharing her journey through adversity, people will become aware of the reality of eating disorders and recognise the signs before it is too late. 

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Know How

Amy Judd from Mission Nutrition will present a practical session, covering what fuel your body needs and quick and easy ways to create real food.   Fuel your fire and feel fantastic!

Tickets: $10.00 per person (no door sales)
Students free
(Students need to order a ticket and bring ID on night)

Ticket sales: