Karen and Darrin Hewitt
Karen is the founder of Just Because Pamper Packs. Karen is a Registered Nurse, who has also suffered depression throughout her life, is a survivor of rape and raised a child with special needs, so understands how lonely people can feel at times and how hard daily life can be.
After seeing Oprah live in 2015, Karen decided she needed to do something to remind women to keep going in hard times and to remind them they are not alone. Karen had worked with a charity in Australia who was delivering pamper packs to women struggling so, decided why don’t we do this in Auckland? The first Just Because Pamper Pack was delivered (from items out of Karen’s cupboard) on International Women’s Day 8th March 2016. Karen and husband Darrin hand-delivered two packs every week for over a year, in the Auckland area. In 2017 Just Because Pamper Packs went national and started education sessions too. In 2018 we continued growth with introducing Care Packs, Mother’s Day Packs and Christmas presents.
caroline gibson - secretary
Caroline joined the Just Because board in 2018, after learning of the charity’s great work through attending one of their great fundraiser education events. Caroline is the Secretary of our Board, looking after meeting minutes, our website and other activities.
After several years’ volunteer experience with Plunket and school boards she now enjoys working with a great team of like-minded people who are keen to make a difference in women’s lives.
Sheryn joined the Board in October 2019 after attending a Just Because fundraising night at Repertoire fashion boutique. Having met Karen, the Board chair, she was keen to join the board and help women in need. Sheryn has several years’ volunteering experience with Riding for the Disabled. She owned a women’s gym which is why she is passionate about helping women look and feel their best. Being an Arbonne Consultant for over 3 years provides her with another avenue to help women, and she finds it very rewarding and satisfying knowing that our nominated women receive an awesome pamper pack to help them feel good and treat themselves.